I always look forward to viewing Chanel's Resort collections. There is always a gorgeous setting and story to go along with the clothing. The 2010 Resort was stellar, but I found plenty to love with this year's collection.
*I read the motorcycle stalled but who cares when a cute Jagger girl is on it?
The Romantic Sundress. The white and black eyelet lace dress is my favorite piece in the collection. Chunky black lace paired with what looks like sheer creamy eyelet makes for a darkly romantic summer dress.
I love the slim silhouette and peek of lace between the tiers of the white dress. The necklace is going on my wish list as well.
Sexy Come Way of Androgyny . I'm obsessed with vintage men's pajamas, and I would love to have the red striped jacket to lounge around in.
Sequins have made the rounds but all of a sudden sparkling tap pants sound fun for a night out.
Traditional Chanel Made Modern. Again the play of light and dark captures my interest. I also like this paired with the jaunty little short shorts, though I might need just a little bit more length for everyday life.
I can't wait to see close up shots of the cuffs, they look promising.
Via WWD.com