I know I've told you that we are looking for a permanent home, but did I tell you that our landlord is selling the house we are currently renting? And we have to be out of here in three weeks?
These are minor problems in the broader scope of life, so just like everyone else I'm digging in my heels and getting to work. I decided to blend two editorials together today for a post that brings serene thoughts. These images make me feel like I've taken a breath of fresh air and everything is a pure, clean slate again.
Though in some images Natalia and I are sharing the same "What did we get ourselves into?" forehead holding;)
Natalia images via NataliaVodianova.net/Harper's Bazaar March 2003/Photography Peter Lindberg
All other images property of Moodboard/Living Etc July 2004/Photography Adrian Briscoe