I'm going to break up the Clignancourt flea market into two separate posts of fashion and home. Unlike Les Puces de Vanves, it was hard to get any shots of the actual wares. The vendors chased us out of the shops everytime we lifted up the camera.
Clignancourt is not set up like most flea markets with open air tables piled with goodies. Instead imagine one of those long storage facilities that look like garages one after another. Instead of a rolled back garage door some have actual doors, but each stand is set up like an individual shop. Some are very fancy and some are just jumbled full of items, both can be expensive.
On the other side of these alleyways are rows and rows of people selling socks, odd athletic jerseys, and weird plastic items. Very similar to the regular flea markets that are in buildings in the US. I spent too much time going up and down trying to find the antique/vintage portion of the market. This is not it, so walk past the bustling colored tent section and go down into what looks like a small town area.
I did find several vintage clothing stalls in the newer merchandise area, but they didn't have the best prices(says the girl that bought a pair of vintage black boots at one).
I loved the look of the white baskets. I would build a wood frame you could slide them into to use for a storage wall.
I wanted some old french bottles and I couldn't find any until we hit this spot. Of course the salesperson couldn't be found the entire time we were there, which happened to us many times.
I wanted to take this mirrored vanity home but then I would have to sell my car.
(all images property of Moodboard)